Pastor Charles G. Wright headed a team of six to the Dominican Republic in 2013. The team included Dr. Timothy A. Treadwell, Pastor of Performing Christ Church in Chicago, Illinois, and Chief Prelate of Grace Covenant Fellowship, International. Also, Cassie Wright returned to head up the Vacation Bible School in Baitoa and Santiago where approximately 166 students learned about God's Heroes. She received assistance from Lady Stephanie Wright, Robert Royston, Jr. and Alexander Royston. This was a Mission of Healing because so many lives were touched with spiritual, physical and emotional healing. The young and the elderly; men and women were renewed and restored. God answered so many prayers for healing and he answered them quickly! Thank you to Pastor Fernando in Baitoa and Pastor Felix in Santiago who welcomed Pastor Charles, Apostle Treadwell, Lady Stephanie, Sister Cassie, Robert, Jr. and Alex into their churches to bring the Word of God to the people. Thank you to Brother Leo Perez, Pastor Cherilyn, their family and friends for watching over us while we were in their country. May God Bless all of our supporters who helped make this Mission of Healing a success. Enjoy these photos as well as photos from the 2011 mission trip.