CGM Celebrates 15 Years in Ministry

In 2019, Charles George Missions, Inc., will celebrate 15 years in missions and media. We will remember the past and share the future each month in 2019 through videos and pictures from these 15 years. Please, join us on the journey. 

November 2019 Posting
Congratulations to 
Apostle Charles G. Wright who completed course work for his Masters in Practical Theology at Ohio Christian University with 4.0 GPA. He gives all glory to God and thanks everyone who prayed for him.  

October-December 2019 Posting

ORDER your CGM "We Love Christmas" album and consider ordering one as a gift. Here is the link to order with sample songs:

“We Love Christmas” Album Order Now

September 2019 Posting

August 27 to September 1, 2019, Apostles Charles and Stephanie Wright went to Alaska to support the Oyoumicks, an aviation missionary family. We learned much about the life of this family and their dedicated service to the Lord for missions to remote areas of Alaska. Please watch the video to learn more. 

August 2019 Posting

Pastor Janice Watson spearheaded the 2019 Women's Conference for Grace Covenant Fellowship, Int'l, on August 24, 2019. Below is a picture-video of the attendees at the conference (photos by Sister Latoya Crooks), followed by the

dynamic message - "It's All in the Wait" - presented by Apostle Temika Atwood, Senior Pastor of Beyond the Joy International Ministries, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana. 

July 2019 Posting


In 2013, CGM returned to the Dominican Republic (2011 was the first mission). Apostles Charles and Stephanie were joined by Chief Apostle, Dr. Timothy A. Treadwell of Grace Covenant Fellowship, International, who preached at three services; and Sister Cassie Wright who conducted Vacation Bible Schools (“God’s Heroes”) for 166 students in Baitoa and Santiago assisted by her sons, Robert and Alex. The CGM team conducted special meetings with the men and women of Baitoa and conducted street ministry to the people of Baitoa. Below are some photos from the 2013 Dominican Republic mission.

Thank you for your support!

June 2019 Posting


In June 2019, CGM returned to the mission field with an exploratory mission to the country of Ecuador. We made contact with a church in Cuenca, Ecuador, dedicated to outreach. CGM plans to commit to two needy organizations in Cuenca. Click on the link on the menu to the left “Mission to ECUADOR” to see additional pictures, videos and comments on the mission.

Thank you for your support!

May 2019 Posting


This month CGM goes back to 2012 and presents a 10-minute clip of Part 1 of 4 of its first Open House. The video presentation includes inspirational messages from CGM founder Apostle Charles Wright, Superintendent Gilbert Clay, Elder David Robinson, Pastor Gladys Rainey, Missionaries Malcolm and Mary Cleope, Sister Dorothy Rainey, Recording Artist VeRonica Johnson, Sister Shanda Phillips, Deacon Leon Williams and Ms. Dace Brown. 

Thank you for your support!

April 2019 Posting

Charles George Missions, Inc., announces its East Coast location in Roanoke, Virginia (see video). All mail should be sent to:

Charles George Missions, Inc.,
1327 Grandin Rd. SW
Roanoke, VA 24015


Thank you for your support!

March 2019 Posting (Music Video for Easter)

He’s Coming Back, Will You Be Ready?

This is a great video to get yourself or others, especially a church congregation, ready for Resurrection Day! We don’t know when He will be returning, so, WILL you be ready?


March 2019 Posting

Celebrating Resurrection Sunday 2013 (12 min.)

Performing Christ Church, Chicago, Illinois

Featuring Apostle Timothy A. Treadwell,
Performing Christ Choir, Apostle Charles G. Wright

February 2019 Postings (below)

South Africa:

Ingqayizivele High School, Johannesburg (3+min)

Apostle Charles and Stephanie Wright (5+ min)

Pictorial Video of South Africa (7+ min.)

January 27, 2019 Post 

First video produced by CGM was the testimony of Earl “Durkee” Johnson whose birthday is
January 27. We remember him and celebrate CGM’s 15 years in ministry. YouTube

January 15, 2019 Posting

Celebration 2004-2014. Countries: Philippines, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Israel, Guam and the United States and more to come. If you have been a supporter, you are in or know someone in this video.

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